Friday, June 28, 2019

Running in Church (Friday Devotional)

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”

- Matthew 19:14

“No running!”

Over the course of Vacation Bible School this week, I’ve heard those words shouted again and again to children making their ways through the church hallways. It is, of course, a perfectly sensible command. First and foremost, we want to make sure nobody gets hurt. Furthermore, we don’t want anybody to get so far ahead of their class that they get lost. Finally, we want to instill a proper sense of reverence in the kids, an understanding that this is God’s house and it’s worthy of more respect than a playground.

So whenever I’ve heard a weary teacher telling one of their kids to stop running—or when I’ve said it myself—I’ve fully understood the valid reasons behind the instruction. But as the week has progressed, hearing those words over and over has also made me ask myself a question: when was the last time I was so excited in church that I wanted to run?

You see, the children who have raced down the halls this week have all had something in common—they’re happy to be there! They’re in a rush to get to their next activity. They’re eager to catch up with their friends. They’re excited to see what more the Lord has to offer. And so they do what children have done since the days of Jesus—they run to him.

As adults, we tend to favor moderation and restraint; we try to disguise what we’re feeling because we’re afraid of standing out or looking silly. But children don’t share our hesitation—they are beautifully reckless in their affections. And while our adult sensibilities tell us that enthusiasm needs to be tamped down, Jesus says something else: “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”

God loves you with the fierceness and audaciousness of a shepherd who leaves the flock of ninety-nine to chase after one lost lamb—and He longs for you to love Him the same way. He wants your eyes to light up with wonder when you worship. He wants your heart to swell when you pray. He wants the church to be a people of joy. Ours is not a God who wants reserved, cautious faith from His people—He wants us to come to Him like little children do, full speed ahead. In other words, for all the importance of safety and reverence, maybe we could use a little more running in church.

1 comment:

  1. That is a wonderful way to look at the situation! Thanks for sharing that insight!
