Friday, January 12, 2024

Shifting Ground (Friday Devotional)


And he will be the stability of your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is Zion's treasure.

- Isaiah 33:6

This past Monday the new semester started for Garland ISD, which meant a few minutes before 8:00 AM, I was saying good morning to the crossing guard and walking my son to the front door of his school. We do this every day, rain or shine—no drop-off lane for us, Andrew always wants to walk.

But this time as we crossed the street, we noticed something was different than it had been in December. Upon crossing, the sidewalk we were accustomed to using was just…gone, nothing but mud and gravel. Apparently, the road construction that’s been underway since August encroached upon the sidewalk during the holidays. All of a sudden, the ground beneath our feet had shifted—literally.

In our fast-paced, modern world, you never know when you’ll feel that kind of tectonic disruption. One moment you think you’ve got everything figured out, then suddenly your world is rocked. It could be something as serious as a critical diagnosis or as marginal as your favorite restaurant shuttering its doors. Whatever the case may be, the point is this the same: if you depend on the world for constancy, you will inevitably find yourself thrown for a loop.

That’s why time and time again, Scripture encourages God’s people to look to our heavenly Father for stability. Unlike the ever-shifting world, the Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever. While culture ebbs and flows like the tide, God is a rock. And while the things of this earth will pass away, he is eternal.

If you expect the world to slow down for you, you will be disappointed—like they say, life comes at you fast. But even when the ground beneath your feet gives way, the God who guides your steps is steadfast.

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