Friday, May 31, 2024

Don't Despair, Repair (Friday Devotional)


But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children, to those who keep his covenant and remember to do his commandments.

- Psalm 103:17-18

Trees snapped like twigs. Furniture was hurled from one backyard to the next. For days, people were without power in their homes. All the result of a fierce storm that struck the metroplex Tuesday morning.

If you’ve driven down any street in Dallas-Fort Worth the last few days, you’ve seen curbs lined with fallen tree limbs. Driveways, alleys, and even entire streets have been blocked by fallen debris. At seemingly every major intersection there’s been a power truck fixing a downed line or working to restore power somewhere. The storm did some serious damage.

But amidst the destruction, you’ve probably seen something else too. You’ve seen neighbors working together to clean up. You’ve seen people opening up their homes for friends without power. You’ve seen meals delivered and chain saws loaned out and all manner of good deeds. Instead of giving up, people have reached out.

Whenever destruction strikes, in whatever form, it’s easy, even instinctive, to despair. When all you see is debris and what was once shining is now smoldering, the temptation is to assume that you’re on your own, that no one cares, that God has abandoned you.

But the promise of God that you proclaim in good times is even more needed in hard times. God’s love doesn’t waver with circumstances, it is steadfast. And for all those who trust in his word and obey his commandments, you can believe that his grace will sustain you, whatever you face.

So when it feels like the world is falling down around your ears, don’t give up hope or abandon faith—because in that moment, more than ever, your faith will give you the strength for the hard work to come. Don’t despair—repair.

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