The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
- Psalm 34:18
Aesop’s fable of “Two Travelers and a Bear” tells the story of two friends who were walking through a forest when suddenly, a large bear appeared on the path. Terrified, one of the men quickly climbed a tree and hid, leaving the other behind. The second traveler, who could not climb, fell to the ground and played dead, knowing that bears do not attack lifeless bodies.
The bear came close, sniffed him, and then walked away, believing him to be dead. When the bear was gone, the first traveler climbed down and laughed nervously, asking, "What did the bear whisper in your ear?"
The second traveler replied, "It told me never to trust a friend who abandons you in danger."
In difficult times, you quickly learn which people in your life will stand by your side and who will scamper to safety. Sadly, there may even be times when, like that second traveler, you feel entirely alone in your stress, doubt, grief, or pain.
But the Bible reminds us that, even in the depths of despair, the Lord remains by your side. When you are at your lowest point, where none but those closest to you dare to follow, God is still with you. He never leaves his children, and his grace gives you sustaining power when your own strength is gone.
Sometimes life throws a bear at you, and sometimes all you know to do is play dead. But even when others forsake you, the Lord never will. He is near to the brokenhearted, and he stands ready to raise you up.
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